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    Image processing chain (IPC)

    Together with partners, Informatie Vlaanderen is building a sensor-generic and modular image-processuing chain (IPC). Through this image processing chain, the area covering unprocessed remote sensing data concerning Flanders is centrally archived and made available online. The IPC system also ensures on-demand processing of this source material into new geographical information for SDI Flanders partners and third parties.

    At the same time, the image processing chain is a building block for Flanders Radically Digital.

    Remote sensing services

    Remote sensing projects in collabortation with Informatie Vlaanderen

    • Examples
      Informatie Vlaanderen has long experience in performing remote sensing projects for and in coopertation with partners. If you are interested in cooperation, please contact the BVK team.

    Download remote sensing data


    More information on this product in Dutch