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    OSLO trajectory 'Passenger Transport Hubs'


    Niet gepland


    Via ‘Open Standards for Linked Organisations’ governments and organisations are investing in the future for a uniform and standard way of data exchange. The purpose is to create connection and ease of use of data between organisations.


    The goal is to semantically model the datastreams and standardise the structure of the data in the context of Passenger Transport Hubs. A passenger transport hub is a place with a diverse range of transport options. Depending on the location, you will find trains, tram and bus stops, shared vehicles, a Park & Ride, bicycle parking spaces, etc. These modes of transport are coordinated with each other and are preferably supplemented with additional services. Such a transport hub is also optimally organised spatially. The aim is to facilitate multimodality: access to and transfer between the various transport options.

    GreenMov and Digital Flanders

    This is an initiative from GreenMov and Digital Flanders, contributing in harmonising mobility datasets, creating integrated services and new cross-border funtionalities by combining various datasets.

    GreenMov is a CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) project within the framework of the Green Deal to bring smart mobility data together and make it accessible with the ultimate aim of realising greener mobility.

    Target audience

    Everyone who is interested in the topic and wants to participate.

    Especially those who have a desire or need to share or use data about multimodality, like:

    • Mobility providers
    • Mobility-service providers
    • Public transport companies
    • Local authorities
    • Knowledge institutions
    • GreenMov Partners


    During this track three to four workshops will be planned. Below you can find an overview of the dates for the workshops. All workshops will take place virtually via Teams. If you are interested in participating, click on the links below.


    Date – Time


    Business workshop OSLO Passenger Transport Hubs

    26/04/2022 – 9am-12am

    Click here to register

    Thematic workshop 1 OSLO Passenger Transport Hubs


    19/05/2022 – 9am-12am

    Click here to register

    Thematic workshop 2 OSLO Passenger Transport Hubs


    23/06/2022 – 9am-12am

    Click here to register

    Thematic workshop 3 OSLO Passenger Transport Hubs (OPTIONAL)


    14/07/2022 – 9am-12am

    Click here to register