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    OSLO - Trapeze


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    Through Open Standards for Linking Organisations (OSLO), the authorities in Flanders are working on an unambiguous standard for the exchange of information. The intention is to ensure greater coherence and better traceability of data. In this way, everyone can use the data more easily.


    TRAPEZE is a project, financed by the European Commission, that delivers a platform as a solution for organisations and citizens with some concrete objectives on security and privacy. It aims to bring stakeholders together under a common framework to provide citizens with the tools and know-how to manage their security and privacy. It wants to support consent mechanisms and checking that data is used in the right way. The aim is to restore citizens' trust in the digital economy by implementing log integrity, non-repudiation and building data lineage and transparency by design. Concrete applications that must prove their usefulness are worked out for three domains: government, telecom and the financial sector.

    Digital Flanders (Digitaal Vlaanderen) is already looking at how MijnBurgerprofiel (My Citizen Profile) can work together with Solid to offer a portal where citizens can manage their data and in compliance with the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR). Solid is a design specification created and managed by the W3C. It adds an identification system, sharing controls and cloud storage to existing web technologies. Public administrations are already custodians of a lot of personal data, such as domiciliation... These data are exchanged between public services to comply with the 'once-only' principle. However, it remains a challenge to give citizens control over their personal data.

     Through this initiative, we wish to model the consent for the use of data semantically. The resulting standard around 'Consent' must be able to be easily reused by all stakeholders. In addition, we will maximize the reuse and conformance to related international and national standards (see section ‘Independencies’).

    The scope of the project will be to build a vocabulary for describing consent in a broad sense and an application profile for a wide range of use cases such as, but not limited to:

    • sharing a subset of government controlled data with a private company as a citizen
    • A business party using a permission checking the integrity and validity of a given consent...

    Target audience

    The business and thematic workshops are public workshops and open to anyone that wants to collaborate with us on this standard. More specifically however, we are also looking for people with digital or legal expertise regarding ‘consent’

    Practical information

    This track will comprise of a business workshop and 4 thematic workshops. All workshops will be organized virtually through Microsoft Teams. You can subscribe for all the sessions by clicking on the links below:




    19 Aug 2021 - 13h - 15h30

    Business Workshop

    Subscribe to attend

    23 Sept 2021 - 13h - 15h30

    Thematic Workshop 1

    Subscribe to attend 

    21 Oct  2021 - 13h - 15h30

    Thematic Workshop 2

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    18 Nov 2021 - 13h - 15h30

    Thematic Workshop 3

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    16 Dec 2021 - 13h - 15h30

    Thematic Workshop 4

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